“Low Carb Beats Low Fat for Weight Loss, CV Risk” – what’s the real take home message?
This study is getting a lot of press today so I thought I’d weigh in. First things to consider: this study lasted only a year so it’s hard to draw long-term conclusions, and the study subjects ate only 40 grams of “digestible carbs” daily, which in my mind lands it...

Take the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Risk Test!!
As someone with two type 1 diabetic brothers and a mom with type 2, I’ve been loving people with diabetes most of my life. While not much is known about preventing type 1, many cases of type 2 can be prevented through diet and lifestyle change, which is the focus on...

People often ask me what does it take to write a book
Many people have great book ideas, but in my experience most never act on them because it seems too big to tackle. I know I felt, and still feel at times, the same way. I think what got me going on the first book, The PCOS Diet Plan, was the fact that I really saw a...

It’s finally done! And I couldn’t have done it without a whole bunch of people…
The saying “it takes a village” is used so often these days, and nowhere in my life has that been more true than when writing this book. On the publishing end, it started with me pitching the idea to my agent Judith Riven, and then my editor at Ten Speed, Sara Golski...
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Prediabetes Tips
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